Tuesday, January 17, 2017

[Eng Sub] Cabasuka Gakuen Episode 8

Watch Cabasuka Gakuen #8 English Sub Online

Original Air Date : [Hulu] December 17, 2016 .  [NTV] Desember 21, 2016
Subtitle : English (Streaming + Softsub)

Hello! First thing first. I'm sorry for so much time it takes to do this episode. It was this and that, that I don't really want to talk about, lol. Deeply apologize for those who wait for so long.
And the second thing is, as you can see, I decide to just make the English sub for it. Why? So that I can work on the other videos/series again. So, take it or leave it. ^^

And BTW, there's an Indonesian fans that already subbing this series too. I'm not really sure with their translation, so, whether you like it or not, please deal with it if you don't want to learn English.
But, if there's someone who willing to re-translate our subs, feel free to do so. BUT! You should know how re-translating work. Thank you!

Anyway, without further ado, please check it yourself.
Feel free to leave a comment or share it if you see it fit!
And as always, "I'm sorry if it not Delicious"
[Special thanks to " HakaTeam - xrahmx "]

Translator - Typesetter : JOELicious
Timer - QC : HakaTeam - xrahmx

Softsub [Eng] .ass ( Dropbox )
Raw : ( A!O NTV ver.)

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  1. When Scandal arrives hahahaha always doing the show :'D ! This girl is troublesome as hell ! Yogaaa :D !!! Thank you so much JOELicious by the way !

  2. Thanks a lot Joe ! Have been waiting for so long.

  3. Thanks a lot for all the episodes until now :)
    I'm not a 48 fan, so may I know what "A!O NTV ver." stand for ?

    1. It's a private tracker site, there are 2 version of Cabasuka (Hulu and NTV), and I use the NTV ver. from there.

    2. Yeah ! I found it, thank you a lot !
      Thanks again for subbing this drama ;)

  4. Wow, waited for this one a long time and it was worth the wait for sure! Thanks Joelicious! You are the best for doing this!
    Annin is amazing, ne? I find it awesome that both she and Yukirin are in this, since they did Yukirin's Black Suit dorama. It's like Annin could actually pull off the hostess thing really well. She is too perfect looking but has that necessary distance about her personality to probably not get too sucked into the hostess underworld. Totally awesome stuff.
    This episode easily was one of the best. I can't wait to see what Salt is going to do!
